Saturday 5 November 2011

A city that never sleeps part-2

Mumbai-A city that never sleeps; Part-2
It has been almost 21 months that I expressed my views about this city, now when I have spent almost a month here I have so much to say, so much to share.. As the city is famous for and has a punch line; A city where people come to fulfill their dreams. I too came here with some dreams in my eyes; though I could not fulfill them but yes this city opened my eyes…and taught me how to live, how important it is to face the reality...coming back to the city today when my bags are packed and I am ready to leave the city in few hours, I wonder what is it that made this city so familiar so known, so my own. Though I had been here many a times earlier..but I never had this feeling for the city ever..I always used to think why is it difficult for people to leave the city, what is it that makes them addicted to this city..though I still don’t have  an answer to it but I feel the same..what is it that still urges me to stay back and a part of me wants to be here forever..and though I may try my best to express it in words but you have to live here to feel that..
I remember an incident from few years back when I was on a night halt in Mumbai, it started raining suddenly and as any other nature loving person I wanted to enjoy it..but when I stepped out of my room-in the balcony I could just see tall buildings around and nothing else. I got really disappointed. Because my eyes were looking for greenery the fresh green of the leaves..that addicting smell of mud when water touches it, as if they both have fallen in love.. The droplets on flower petals..the chirping of birds after it had rained. But I could just see few window panes getting wet..the droplets on the car glass standing in parking..and then is when I set my mind that I don’t like this’s so just not me..but today I feel it’s so just a part of just how I always wanted to be..Independent/ space my identity.. it gave me a chance to discover myself.. My priorities in life, my dreams..
I never felt homesick staying here away from my family..thanks to my bro Rajat; who helped me find a nice PG..The land lady; so supportive, my roomy;  very friendly..and as is I started living here I liked the people of the city, they are so very helpful..they take that extra mile to make you comfortable..and I have so much to share so many of them to thank too.. From the uncle at studio who left his shop open specially because I requested that ‘I would be back in ten minutes; please I need the photo urgently’ the mobile shop uncle who gave me other no. within five minutes because my earlier no. was not getting activated, to the person who returned the money just in fractions of second at mine saying just once that he charged me extra the auto people for being patient enough to answer my queries and finding out way to my place..I am thank full to each one of you who made my stay so comfortable and so home like..Thanks Anupa for the time that you gave..
The blasts on 13th July shattered my dreams (I MISS YOU), but gave me my friends back. I am thankful to each one of them who welcomed me and supported me in hour of need.. and yes of course I also realized that my young sister (frnd) isn’t young she has grown up (Shucha)..
And now I know what made me love the city, the simple mentality of people around here..the simple motto of their life ‘LIVE AND LET LIVE’, no one would interfere in your personal can share as much as you want but they will never be nosy..the city gives you the freedom and sense of responsibility.. even though it might not have much of plantation but this city lets you might be stuck in rain for hours..but the time is still yours.. just may be in hury to reach but you would never be hassled….the small rooms have big hearts to welcome you.. the local train says; I’m at your service-let me know where can I leave you, anytime anywhere.. the rain welcomes you..come share your happiness, enjoy be a kid, don’t worry even if you are sad-I would dissolve your tears into me..The sea says, come talk to me-I will listen to all that you want to share and promise I would never take anything from you-even if I do, you know it would be back to you..i would just wash away the pain..the shells say; take us along we were waiting for you. the markets say we may look crowded but we have something for everyone of you..
What else do I say..I would Miss you MUMBAI…thanks to all of you whom I did mention whom I forgot to mention..
I am sorry MA, for you had to stay without me around you.. you are the best mom any one can ever get.. I’m coming back. I MISSED you so much.. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH.. you are my world J and ha see I have proved I can manage a home alone..
CAUTION:-People out here don’t like to be called BHAIYA, but when you go to sabji mandi they would greet you saying aaow BHABHI J and you would keep wondering for he pointing to me :P

© Manisha Dawar

I learn as much as I fall

I see a Child learning to walk and feel a delight that wants me to talk. Though she is new to the skill, but her eyes are full of thrill.

She has no fear, but Oh !! my dear, she could just take two steps before she falls..looking here and there she finds her mother, standing like a wall. She leads her hand to raise her up, but she chooses to get on her own, her bare feet doing thup..thup..thup…

She smiles at the pride that she got up on her own, so what if she gets hurt, there is nothing to morn. For this is how she would get to learn, wheel of the life-is always to churn.
This time she walks few steps more and reaches up the door.

Her excited mother, anxious to see her little one is about to flee. Waiting no more she runs to the not a chance for the child to plea..for she knows there is danger outside. Till the time her daughter grows up she wants to keep them aside.

After years when the child is grown, she steps out of the door and the safe zone is no more. Yet again she learns to walk, no matter where the obstructions block. This time she knows she has to walk alone, for life means some serious business, not always a clown.

We all lie at the same place, we walk, we run, we fall, we rise, but the job is not done, till the time we are conscious not to fall in the same pit holes, for there is no point repeating the error, unless you want your life to be a terror.

© Manisha Dawar

Easy Difficult

A prayer for all of us who want to live through the ODDS..
O’ Lord give me the strength to walk by the difficult paths when you send them my way.

To Question
To Answer
To Think Negative
To Think Positive
To Break
To Make
To Teach
To Learn
To Make Promises
To keep Them
To Be Angry
To be Calm
To Fall
To Rise
To Blame Others
To Accept our mistakes
To Comment
To take a Feedback
To Hate
To be Ignorant
To Accept the Truth
To Take
To Give
To Curse
To Regret
To Accept
To Face others
To Face yourself
To be Selfish
To be Selfless
To be weak
To be Strong
To weep
To Smile

And Last but not the least it’s easier for me to think this way and difficult to practice it.

© Manisha Dawar

Voice of a Girl

When the earth came to existence and so did Adam and Eve, my voice came to existence as well but not so brief. As years passed by and so did the equality and here we face today’s reality. 
There was a time in between when the world was not so mean. I was respected as that of a man, but today no one gives a damn.
The moment I try to raise they pull me down, back in the dreams of equality I am forced to drown. For the world, the voice of a man is so serious and mine, just a clown.
They say that the voice of a man is always strong and mine carries the image so wrong. I look around but never find anything more than a physical bound.
I am always present but there is no identity, wonder when would I find it? May be till the eternity?
Give me some space for I too have a face, following me might also be easy to trace, for you and me were blessed with equal grace.
Please listen to me, I may also be right, for the few who listened to me, had their future so bright, hug me with love and hold me tight, before it’s too late and I blow away with the tide.

© Manisha Dawar

Saturday 30 July 2011

I am Waiting For YOU

I wake up in the morning and look at my phone,
Did I miss a ringing? Or a message tone.
You would be the only one just so known,
When you are not there days are just to morn.

Whenever I see a couple holding hand in hand.
I miss the music of LOVE and its BAND.

You would be the one who would give me Care,
Coming near me? No evil will Dare,
You would come to protect me, ridding on the Mare.
Series of Loneliness; apart will it Tear,
My slow life would take a momentum, pushing up the Gear.

Dancing to the Rhythm, Singing to the song.
Nights would be short and the days so long.

I would be the one whom you would trust.
Breaking any misunderstandings, breaking all its crust.
We would fly together, with our dreams on full thrust,
A divine Marriage would be, our relations Outburst.

Only celebrations would be a part of our families Prolong,
Happiness all the time, from Dusk to Dawn.

I am leaving this incomplete…waiting for your note..
When we would start sailing on a single boat.. J

© Manisha Dawar

Friday 29 July 2011

The city that never sleeps

When I look out of my window around twenty thousand feet’s below, I can see the sea I can recall my child hood days the fun i used to have at sea shore..the long never ending sea..the horizon..the beautiful colors of sunset and rise.. and a land that follows it...,

This is the first time i had a view or shall I say an overview of this city..a city that is so fast that you forget where did the race begin from..who is leading whom and where? I had the same view of the city as others had..a dreamland..a place where u can fulfill your dreams..

I step in and i feel..whats missing here..they are people around, buildings..tall buildings..some are house..some are officies..I say house and not a home because I can still feel something missing..when I come back here after few months I realise..we meet people..we talk..but we dont interact..we walk together but not hand in hand...we stay together but we dont complement each other we rather compete..y is it so.???

I could never find after three years when I get a chance to roam around the whole mumbai..or should I say finally got to see mumbai i realise..all that was missing still stands somewhere together..and u know what is that which still keeps it going ?..its the SEA..yes its the Sea..which listens whatever u say..every emotion that u live..ever game that u play.. it looks beautiful, It seems this huge body can actually take the sun down..ohh..see..sea has the sun in it..the sun is going it drowning..what is it..y does it look so beautiful..the anger ball sets in the calm looking sea..coz from far u dont know how much pain has it taken..but remember it never keeps anything inside...

It cries at the unfortunate events..but we never can we???
..It just has salty water..which keeps on adding..and then when he feels helpless..he shouts..he rises wondering if he could wash away the evil...

This city has seen alot since many years..all the tears merge down and drain together and add to this huge water body..this is why life never stops here..because people here dont want to get drained in emotions..they feel the pain but dont express..they are tired of runing but they dont stress..coz they want to hard..and move on..and that they can fulfill their dreams..and of the ones they have left behind..they want to go back..but no one can win the race moving backward and this is why they are a race that never ends..u would meet strangers here but can never be friends..because every one is chasing their own dreams the CITY THAT NEVER SLEEPS BUT YET DREAMS.. :)

© Manisha Dawar

I am your OLD MOTHER

I am your old mother, but have joy of a child, because I am coming to meet you ‘my world, Oh my Dear!!’ I know you have been busy all the time, setting your career, managing your home. I am glad you remember me, at least now when you would have your own child. I don’t mind, you couldn’t come to pick me up- because you are assured that the business class ticket would take care of me…
I remember the days when I taught you to walk, as a gratitude to it, you have given me a walking stick, for I know it’s not easy for you to leave your work, My daughter-in-law would be busy in work as well. I am glad she would find out time to teach your child how to walk, as did I, leaving everything behind.
I wish your dad was alive, for it was his wish that we fly in the dark blue skies in the starry nights. Holding hand in hand, having a glance-recalling our new marriage romance.. As I get scared when the air craft increases its thrust and about to take-off, I look for a hand to rest my fear, but I just have  an arm rest ohh my dear !! The young lady comes to me when she sees me uncomfortable as the aircraft fractions of second my heart beat jumps..She asks me’Am I travelling alone, Do I need her help?’ to which I look into her bright eyes filled with care. I think in my mind ‘I look alone, but no my child how do I dare when your memories are there.’  ; The memories which would soon be a part of your life.
I would take that extra mile as always, to comfort you, For I am still your OLD MOTHER and you are my YOUNG CHILD

© Manisha Dawar