Wednesday 6 February 2013

Critics!! You are amongst my best friends..

It’s you who keeps me right, Life’s new challenges!! You teach me to Fight.
The moment confidence turns little high; you tighten the thread of my Kite and teach me to Fly.

Though you may sound little rude, but you teach me how not to be shrewd.
On your Feedback, I may feel a set-back, but only when I am positive, I realize how you help me move on the right track.

When you question my efficiency, I look into prudency; your constant eye on me helps me maintain consistency.
That mysterious smile that you play has its own say, and how much I want to thank you, for you make me strong than being emotions clay.

When you test my patience and I keep my temperament cold, I surprise myself as to how I turn from fragile to bold.
Comments that you make can never hurt me but my Ego, and if I keep thinking of it, no higher would I Go.
I hope you would always be along, for the journey of where I want to be; is prolong.
Keep throwing me behind questions bar, for where I want to stand is excellence at Par.

© Manisha Dawar