Saturday 30 July 2011

I am Waiting For YOU

I wake up in the morning and look at my phone,
Did I miss a ringing? Or a message tone.
You would be the only one just so known,
When you are not there days are just to morn.

Whenever I see a couple holding hand in hand.
I miss the music of LOVE and its BAND.

You would be the one who would give me Care,
Coming near me? No evil will Dare,
You would come to protect me, ridding on the Mare.
Series of Loneliness; apart will it Tear,
My slow life would take a momentum, pushing up the Gear.

Dancing to the Rhythm, Singing to the song.
Nights would be short and the days so long.

I would be the one whom you would trust.
Breaking any misunderstandings, breaking all its crust.
We would fly together, with our dreams on full thrust,
A divine Marriage would be, our relations Outburst.

Only celebrations would be a part of our families Prolong,
Happiness all the time, from Dusk to Dawn.

I am leaving this incomplete…waiting for your note..
When we would start sailing on a single boat.. J

© Manisha Dawar

Friday 29 July 2011

The city that never sleeps

When I look out of my window around twenty thousand feet’s below, I can see the sea I can recall my child hood days the fun i used to have at sea shore..the long never ending sea..the horizon..the beautiful colors of sunset and rise.. and a land that follows it...,

This is the first time i had a view or shall I say an overview of this city..a city that is so fast that you forget where did the race begin from..who is leading whom and where? I had the same view of the city as others had..a dreamland..a place where u can fulfill your dreams..

I step in and i feel..whats missing here..they are people around, buildings..tall buildings..some are house..some are officies..I say house and not a home because I can still feel something missing..when I come back here after few months I realise..we meet people..we talk..but we dont interact..we walk together but not hand in hand...we stay together but we dont complement each other we rather compete..y is it so.???

I could never find after three years when I get a chance to roam around the whole mumbai..or should I say finally got to see mumbai i realise..all that was missing still stands somewhere together..and u know what is that which still keeps it going ?..its the SEA..yes its the Sea..which listens whatever u say..every emotion that u live..ever game that u play.. it looks beautiful, It seems this huge body can actually take the sun down..ohh..see..sea has the sun in it..the sun is going it drowning..what is it..y does it look so beautiful..the anger ball sets in the calm looking sea..coz from far u dont know how much pain has it taken..but remember it never keeps anything inside...

It cries at the unfortunate events..but we never can we???
..It just has salty water..which keeps on adding..and then when he feels helpless..he shouts..he rises wondering if he could wash away the evil...

This city has seen alot since many years..all the tears merge down and drain together and add to this huge water body..this is why life never stops here..because people here dont want to get drained in emotions..they feel the pain but dont express..they are tired of runing but they dont stress..coz they want to hard..and move on..and that they can fulfill their dreams..and of the ones they have left behind..they want to go back..but no one can win the race moving backward and this is why they are a race that never ends..u would meet strangers here but can never be friends..because every one is chasing their own dreams the CITY THAT NEVER SLEEPS BUT YET DREAMS.. :)

© Manisha Dawar

I am your OLD MOTHER

I am your old mother, but have joy of a child, because I am coming to meet you ‘my world, Oh my Dear!!’ I know you have been busy all the time, setting your career, managing your home. I am glad you remember me, at least now when you would have your own child. I don’t mind, you couldn’t come to pick me up- because you are assured that the business class ticket would take care of me…
I remember the days when I taught you to walk, as a gratitude to it, you have given me a walking stick, for I know it’s not easy for you to leave your work, My daughter-in-law would be busy in work as well. I am glad she would find out time to teach your child how to walk, as did I, leaving everything behind.
I wish your dad was alive, for it was his wish that we fly in the dark blue skies in the starry nights. Holding hand in hand, having a glance-recalling our new marriage romance.. As I get scared when the air craft increases its thrust and about to take-off, I look for a hand to rest my fear, but I just have  an arm rest ohh my dear !! The young lady comes to me when she sees me uncomfortable as the aircraft fractions of second my heart beat jumps..She asks me’Am I travelling alone, Do I need her help?’ to which I look into her bright eyes filled with care. I think in my mind ‘I look alone, but no my child how do I dare when your memories are there.’  ; The memories which would soon be a part of your life.
I would take that extra mile as always, to comfort you, For I am still your OLD MOTHER and you are my YOUNG CHILD

© Manisha Dawar