I kept thinking from dusk to dawn, all that I knew was I
have to move on. I don’t have to morn, for the past has already gone. If the
moments that I trace were full of grace.. I wonder why is it? That nothing
seems to be on its place? Then why does it hurt to give life a new birth? Gold
of the sweet memories, and bad memories equivalent to dirt, all have to fly
away like a migrant bird. What are you running for, and whom do you chase? It’s
only you and the time that are at race. How long would you carry the baggage of
past? Hope, not until there is nothing to last. Time is running, you have to
move fast. Live in the present be the drain-mast of the past. Don’t worry for
future for it would definitely be bright, only if your directions are right.
Come hug the future and kiss it tight. Trash all your fears, look at your
dears. That one person is waiting for you, happy moments are on its due. Open
your palms and he will hold your hand; beautiful relation would start with a
friendships band. Just keep the positive attitude, trust God you will express only gratitude.
© Manisha Dawar
© Manisha Dawar